My Position On The Issues

Growth: Two years ago we undertook the re-writing of our outdated Unified development Ordinance. We instructed our staff and consultants that we had three main goals- make it simpler, quicker approvals, and less bureaucracy. To do that we formed a citizens advisory group from every region of the County as well as builders and developers to guide the process. We now have a document that will allow preservation of our natural resources as well as move us into the next phase of Currituck's future.

Education: As a father of children in our school system I know how important it is that we make sure they have good facilities and adequate local funding. Our partnership with The College of the Albemarle in building the Aviation and Technical Training Center at Maple is going to prepare our children for real jobs in our ever changing world, it is also going to be a magnet for companies to consider when deciding where to locate as they will be able to get a skilled workforce locally

Economic Development: With the completion of the Moyock Wastewater System and the Maple Commerce Park, we will have the needed infrastructure that new and existing businesses need to locate or expand.

Taxes: Property revaluation is currently underway and the next board will set the tax rate for the next eight years. I have a proven record of opposing tax increases and will continue to do so.Paul O'Neal

Capital Projects: We adopted a pay as you go policy several years ago for our building projects which have left us with virtually no debt, as our surrounding Counties are looking for which taxes to increase to pay for financed projects with declining revenue streams. Currituck County consistently is recognized as one of the most financially sound Counties in the State.

Outer Banks: We are blessed to have clean beaches, wild horses and the ocean, we must make sure we preserve it for future generations with good stewardship policies that keep it special, after all the Corolla Wild Horses are now our state horse.

OLF: With the recent crash of the F-18 in Virginia, there are renewed calls to move the training field to our backyard. I will continue to lead the effort to keep that from happening.

Recreation: We have strived to create recreational opportunities throughout the County, the YMCA is the first part of our planned recreation complex currently under construction. I support moving forward on the planned park for Moyock.

Integrity: I have worked very hard for years to make sure I hold myself to standards of conduct personally and professionally that will not create headlines that embarrass you or make you wonder what goes on when you are not looking. I expect my fellow elected officials to conduct themselves in a manner you can be proud of.

On November 6th, I respectfully ask for your support to keep Currituck someplace we all can be proud to call home

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